Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Sound Keeps Coming Out

 Untitled Haiku
by Basho
(Translated by Robert Bly)

The temple bell stops.
But the sound keeps coming
out of the flowers.

Advent is a time of longing, expectation, waiting. We remember the anticipation of those looking for hope and light to come into the world. And we wait for God to come again, for His justice to be established, for the end of war and suffering, the coming of His kingdom.


But it is also a time of acknowledging his presence, seeing it not just in Jesus’ presence in Bethlehem at one point in time, but His continued presence among us now. Even though His physical presence is gone, His Spirit is like the sound that continues to come from the flowers, filling our hearts.



I’ve seen God’s presence here. I’ve seen him bring healing in situations beyond my hope. But I’ve also felt Him present in the grieving of a young mother with her dead child. I don’t always understand it. Sometimes I am angry or sad beyond words, but even then, He is present.


“God is a God of the present. God is always in the moment, be that moment hard or easy, joyful or painful.” (Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved)


In this advent, may you know God’s presence even as we wait for Him to return to make all things right.




Some of you already know, but my time with Samaritan’s Purse is quickly coming to an end. I am returning to the US in February for 3 months before returning to PNG through the Nazarene Church. I believe that God has called me here for a longer season. While Samaritan’s Purse covered some of my costs, I now need to raise the full cost of my living and working here. If you would like to donate to my work here, please use the following link:



Merry Christmas!

  Merry Christmas!     Over the last few weeks as Christmas has approached, I have found myself amazed as I ponder the...