The longer I go between posts, the harder it is for me to find the words to start a new post. So much has happened over the course of the last year that I have unfortunately not been able to communicate with you. But I do want you to know that I appreciate you all very much. The short emails or texts of encouragement, the prayer, the financial support help me to continue in the work. So, thank you.
I am currently back in the US for home assignment and will be here until mid-May. I would love to connect with you so feel free to shoot me an email or text.
First, I wanted to share a video made by one of our
volunteers that gives a much better idea than I can of what the hospital and its
work look like. It is too big to attach here so it is included in the email I sent. If you didn't receive this and would like to see it, please let me know.
Second, I wanted to give a few highlights from the last term that didn’t make it into previous updates. God has been so faithful and I continue to be amazed at the incredible work of my PNG colleagues.
· Rural clinic opening at Tsingaropa: Our rural clinic in the Jimi valley had to close last year due to staffing shortages and some small problems in the community. In August, the clinic was reopened with an incredible young nurse named Simon as the officer in charge. The celebration in the community was amazing.
· Helping Babies Breathe: I participated in a training with some of our other doctors that we can now use to help train our hospital staff as well as the staff at our rural clinics. We are hoping to run this out with some new CPAP and T-piece resuscitator machines donated to the hospital starting this year.
· Visit to Omae clinic: In September I was able to visit our clinic in Southern Highlands Province to see patients and do education with the staff. It was an incredible trip, and I stayed busy, seeing many patients from the surrounding communities and teaching basic neonatal resuscitation and obstetric care.
· Congenital Heart Screening: Dr Kirk and his team returned last year, and we did echocardiography screening for more pediatric patients. We identified some more possible candidates for surgical intervention.
· Christian Health Services (CHS) conference: While covering for Dr Ben in the DMS role, I attended the national CHS conference. It was cool to praise God with healthcare workers from across PNG.
· Doctor’s Friday meetings: This year we have altered our doctors’ meetings to give more space for growing in our spiritual walks with time for prayer, sharing and lament for difficult cases. It has helped us to grow closer as a team and to seek God in our work.
· Hike to Mt Wilhelm: I climbed Mt Wilhelm for the second time with a new group. Jake made a cool video of the trip, which you can check out here:
· Hike to the lakes: Since coming to PNG and hearing the story of Drs Jim and Bill hiking to the lakes up in the mountains to the south of the hospital, I have wanted to climb there. I finally got the chance to go. It was one of the hardest hikes that I have ever done (very steep, overgrown and muddy), but it was awesome to get to the top and look out over the Waghi valley.
· Visit from my parents: My parents were able to come for their second visit to PNG and meet Stella as well as see my work at the hospital.
Lastly, I wanted to give an update about the future and to request prayer. I will be heading back to Papua New Guinea in the middle of May for my next term (likely 2 years). I will be taking over the position of Director of Medical Services when I return. In this role I will be a part of the administrative team and responsible for the staff, and breadth and quality of the services provided by the hospital. I will be doing more administrative work, although most of my time will still be clinical.
Prayer requests:
· Grace to manage my time well and to know what responsibilities to take and to which to say no
· Wisdom in how to best serve the hospital staff
· Close friendships and brothers (two of my close friends and running buddies have left or are leaving Kudjip this year)
· Consistent funding for the hospital
· Smooth transitions for new doctors and staff joining our team
Dear Daniel, I know that your folks are loving having you home and stateside for a while. May the time go well and be refreshing for you. Maybe we'll even get to see you! Blessings, Ann & Bill